Transkrypcja wideo
Hello everyone, I'm Rylin Ray. I'm Anastasia Rose. And you're watching us on
Philly Films and for your information we are not sisters. We are portraying
sisters and I hope you guys have a wonderful time watching us. Enjoy!
They're kind of confusing. Well hurry up because you have another one to do right
after that. Why does dad need all this information? It's pointless. Speaking of
Ummm... Nicky... "invited" me!
She does this.
She sends me a DM... with a link to a video. a lesbian porn video.
i want to say that i am above this. i can resist such temptation.
i would TOTALLY be lying!
i am a submissive lesbian slut.
i said it!
And... *giggles!*
Nicky KNOWS it!
She knows that all She has to do is send me a link, and i will go there...
i will go there, watch, and because i am a good girl, i will masturbate.
i ADORE Nicky, and i do as i am told.
Even when it is implied.
She knows that She doesnt ALWAYS have to tell me to touch myself. She KNOWS that i am a good girl. i obey. i do as i am told, and... i pick up on the hint. the whisper. the unspoken command. if She sends me porn, i will watch it. i will watch it and touch myself. i will do this because it is expected. Because SHE expects it.